A J.D. Power study indicates patients are more satisfied with payer-provided telehealth offerings and less pleased with direct-to-consumer telehealth providers compared to a year ago.

The J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Telehealth Satisfaction Study released on Thursday shows a slight decrease, down 1% from last year, in patient satisfaction with direct-to-consumer telehealth providers and a substantial increase, up 18%, in satisfaction with payer-provided telehealth offerings.

The study, based on 4,070 healthcare consumers’ responses within the past 12 months, measures patients’ satisfaction with telehealth services based on seven factors: ease of receiving care, digital channels, whether a provider met their needs, level of trust, scheduling appointments, people, and saving time or money.

It finds that 65% of survey respondents said the top reason for using telehealth is convenience, with 46% saying they used it due to the ability to receive care quickly and 30% due to having a condition that’s covered via a telehealth visit.

The study noted a tie between difficulty with internet/cellular connectivity (25%) and limited services provided (25%) as being the top barriers to consumers receiving telehealth, and 15% said they had data security concerns with personal/medical information.
